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There are no Clean Feelings

Ambivalence is Hope

It is my goal as an artist to expose uncertainty and to reveal faith.

I am driven by the idea of making contradictions of human existence more tangible and to reveal its inherent power.

Thus, I focus on an aesthetic that is disruptive and poetic, inconvenient and comforting.

My vision is to inspire people to question beauty (the known) and explore one's individual aesthetic (the unknown).
Simply said: Experience personal creative empowerment.


I work with drawing, text and the spoken word (performance-lecture). My focus is on the topics ambivalence and contradiction of human emotions and actions. I believe in an insoluble yet nourishing nature-culture conflict in which human and animal traits are in a constant fire of attraction, rejection and alienation. An assumption that, in a digital world, raises questions of roots (nature, body, lust) and reorientation (culture, digitalization, satisfaction).

In all of my creative work, I experiment with questions of how to navigate beyond the comfort zone and how to foster a mindset that is shaped by maintaining security within the insecurity.

© Stepha Schede 2022

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