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Being creative means to evaluate the potential of an idea not knowing how the outcome will be perceived.
The creative process can be described as a constant interplay between generating and testing ideas. It is connected to processes of thinking and imagination, of practical experimenting and hypothetical testing, of visualization and logical evaluation - just to name a few.
Potentially, the creative process leads to innovation and knowledge generation.
My advising focus and my interest in research lies in exploring the interdependencies between processes involved in the creative doing, such as:
- originality / usability
- innovation / vision
- cognitive / emotional mechanism
- motivation
- insecurity / strength
- vulnerability / courage
- visual / rational thinking
- target focusing / defocusing
- creative implementation
As an artist, I focus on aspects of originality and authenticity.
As a scientist, I explore how the creative process relates to knowledge generation (innovative aspects of life) and humans psychological, cultural and biological conditioning.
The creative ability is based on a set of cognitive processes which each individual, in principle, has access to. In other words, we all have a certain creative potential.
Like the communicative ability, also creativity is related to the competence of recoding existing knowledge structures. This ability is also related to problem-solving mechanisms and operates at various levels (thinking, visualization, logical / emotional decision making, practical experimenting, hypothetical evaluation etc.).
In short, the creative ability constitutes the inventiveness and cultural competences of the human being.
Questions I am interested in include:
- How are ideas generated, modified and implemented ?
- How does the creative ability relate to knowledge generation
and human cultural development ? -
- How does human biological determination influences
cultural abilities and vice versa ? -
- How do art thinking methods nourish sustainable societal developement ?
The study of creative information processing and related cognitive processes contribute to a methodological understanding of creativity. Such approach is meant to be fruitful to various fields of life such as science, art, education, and economy.
My research is focused on:
- creativity and sociobiology / coevolution
- creativity and knowledge generation / creative cognition
- art and research - the principle of noise
- art and sustainability - social relevance
My fields of research are:
creative science, cognitive and cultural science, sociobiology, art science, media anthropology
Art contributes to the knowledge pool of a society. Compared to traditional sciences, though, it is not
- or, better said - should never be bound to standard paradigms.
Artistic research aims at generating new perspectives on perception. Typically, it entails a moment of unfamiliarity, discomfort , irritation or provocation. One might even say that the essence of art is noise and blurring.
I focus on the term "artistic research" as I consider that art can generate knowledge at society level where other systems fail. Art should, thus, be regarded as a socially relevant matter. Nevertheless, it is the artists task to find a methodological balance in operating liberated from constraints and restrictions while at the same time being aware of the social embedding of his / her artwork (autonomy-autarky discussion).
Besides, I believe that art should move out of its exclusive zone and open up for a discourse on artistic relevance and the manifold generative ability of human kind.
Art is profoundly human.
A Socio-Cognitive Perspective on Creative Processes
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